As there may be an announcement at MBTI qualifying training program you have attended, regardless wherever you are qualified in, it is essential for MBTI professionals to learn how to give appropriate MBTI feedback, taking mental and cultural difference into consideration, to protect takers’ benefits. Therefore each country has its own guideline to administer the MBTI instrument (and The Myers-Briggs Company, the exclusive publisher of the MBTI, adheres the each country’s requirements.)
JPP Inc, is a The Myers-Briggs Company authorized MBTI distributor in Japan and publish formal psychological assessments (standardized psychological assessments) which comply with Test Standards.
Please take a time to read through the guideline below for the ethical use of MBTI instrument.
Please note that it is obligated to allot at least 2 hours for the MBTI feedback session in Japan, and The Myers-Briggs Company in US also acknowledge that the MBTI feedback session of less than 2 hours is an infringement of ethical use of the MBTI.
Please note that educational eligibility to purchase the MBTI materials is NOT applicable in Japan.
Guideline for MBTI users who are qualified overseas (Click here for Japanese, Click here for English)
Should you have any questions regarding this guideline, please contact Japan MBTI association (03-5367-3181、